
Welcome to Suba language website. We trust that the Lord will give you grace and find this website more educative and in

This the image of community reviewers
Consultant checking session

Wamwifu Jeremiah Okumu, Boniface Msaswa ni Jael Obonyo ni wawarra ebuuki eya Emfumo.

Paulus, Jael ni Samwel awandi ku awakozi awa Suba BTL Project.



Naphtaly Mattah with the Suba Bible reviewers.

Ono ni wamwifu Naphtaly Mattah omulala ku awakongo awaatanika emirimo egia okugalusia Endagano mu Olusuba. Ano ari enze eya ofiisi eya Suba BTL Project alala na awayaanzi awaemere mu amakaniisa egia Awasuba.




Suba transition Primer


Reviewers & Suba BTL staff members





Fishermen docking on land from the lake.




Fishermen with a good catch.



Eno ne endala ku engira ezia Awasuba wakola nayo mu okuwunguka agati eya Ivuang'ano ni Mumbita.